What is code review and How to do a good code review

Code review is a crucial practice in software development that involves the systematic examination of code by one or more team members. This process helps ensure code quality, identify bugs, improve performance, and foster knowledge sharing among developers. Effective code reviews can significantly enhance the maintainability and reliability of software projects. In this guide, we’ll…

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Things You Should Know Before Choosing B des in graphic design Course

Graphic design, also known as communication design, is the practice of projecting ideas with visual or textual content, according to the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA). In layman’s terms, it is the art of communicating specific ideas visually. These visuals could be in the form of website design, brand logo, print design, environmental design,…

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How Is Artificial Intelligence Being Used In HR And Recruitment?

Artificial Intelligence has seen remarkable development in its prevalence in a few industries, including organizations and businesses. The recruitment industry is no step behind in getting up to speed. For the HR biological system of innovation, recruitment through AI is a method for saving time and confirmation, maintaining objectivity, and standardizing the most common way…

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Voice And Audio Technology

Cloud Telephony Services Open New Opportunities To Build Customer Relationships

Over the last few years, cloud telephony has become a buzzword. This cloud-based solution was rapidly adopted by businesses to eliminate the traditional enterprise systems and offer a modern setup for telecommunication purposes. Cloud telephony is also known as cloud communication. It is a web-based solution that is offered and managed by a third party….

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Cloud Computing: Definition, Types And Characteristics

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals manage and store data, run applications, and perform complex computations. By leveraging the power of the internet, cloud computing offers scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solutions for various IT needs. This guide will provide an overview of cloud computing, addressing some frequently asked questions to help you…

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