The Future Of AI In Logistics

The Future Of AI In Logistics

Since its inception, AI (Artificial Intelligence) hasbeen used to help humans create a better world. While some people think that AI will soon take over, and turn us people into slaves, that scenario exists only in science fiction stories. As AI isbeing developed, it’s being implemented in various sectors. AI is being used to detect…

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Why is the internet speed slow in the US?

The internet is an important utility. Everyone has the right to high-speed internet irrespective of geographical boundaries. Sadly, this promise isn’t fulfilled yet. There are many third-world countries where internet access is absent. Big tech companies have this ethical responsibility to ensure that accessibility to the internet remains their topmost priority. In developing countries like…

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The Ins and Outs of USB-C Mobile Charging

My smartphone is my life: my music, my notices, and my unlimited interruptions are completely controlled through my number one Android smartphone. While smartphone batteries improve each year, there’s no denying that we as a whole have a beginning inclination that crawling nervousness at whatever point that little rate in the status bar creeps beneath…

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