5 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Logistics

With the global supply chain crisis often in the news, logistics has become a hot topic in everyday conversation. Many companies are looking for logistics professionals to help solve their supply chain issues, manage their warehouse inventory, and deal with processes related to imports and exports.

Indeed, now may be an ideal time to enter the field of logistics for those thinking of changing their careers or trying to choose a major.

In fact, there are many great global logistics certificate programs that will prepare you for this career. Here are 5 reasons to consider.

  1. Good Salary

If you stick to your profession in logistics and keep climbing the corporate ladder, you might find yourself earning well-beyond a six-figure salary. For example, according to Glassdoor, Supply Chain Managers working at some companies can earn up to $137,000.

  1. Opportunities

Every industry has a supply chain, and therefore every industry needs logistics experts. According to Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council, Canada added about 10,000 jobs in this sector between 2020 and 2021. In fact, according to the Association for Supply Chain Management, 33% of job seekers found positions within one month of graduating.

  1. Work in any location

Just like every industry has a supply chain, so does every region. A quick search on indeed reveals that virtually every province in Canada has opportunities in logistics. Logistics professionals can work in metropolis such as Toronto, Ontario, or New York City. They can also make a good life for themselves in smaller cities such as Winnipeg, Manitoba. Of course, the location might influence the industry, which brings us to our next point.

  1. Job Variety

To paint a picture of the variety of roles that exist in the logistics industry, here are some job titles: freight agent, supply chain manager, warehouse logistics manager, transportation analyst, logistics engineer, inventory manager, procurement manager, customer service representative, and logistics consultant.

Apart from there being a lot of job options, there are also a lot of industries that one can work in. These include technology, agriculture, automotives, pharmaceuticals, and more. Because so many industries have supply chains, logistics knowledge can be combined with any other passion or interest you might have. For example, if you like computers, why not work in logistics in the tech sector?

  1. Career Advancement

Not only is there a lot of variety of positions, but there is also room for advancement in logistics. Many people start out working in freight forwarding or as an inventory clerk. They might move up to become a production clerk then a transportation planner. Later, they might become a purchasing manager, which has an average salary of $125,000 according to Research.com.

To learn more about careers in logistics, it can be a good idea to contact a college, speak to a teacher, or contact a trade organization for info, such as the Canadian International Freight Forwarding Association (CIFFA). Gather as much information as possible before you decide.


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